Effective Carpet Cleaning Tips

Things To Know About Carpet Cleaning

Majority of our homes have carpets for decorative and comfort purposes. It’s quite obvious that eventually you will be doing some carpet cleaning. Here are a few things related to carpet cleaning that will make your life easy.


A large portion of the items available for carpet cleaning are safe and will have an insignificant effect on the surroundings. However, some carpet cleaning items do contain dangerous chemicals which can be perilous to the individual utilising them and on other individuals in the house or pets. So ensure to spot the marks deliberately before cleaning. Try to buy an item with the slightest measure of chemicals and the mildest you can find that will work effectively in carpet cleaning.

Clean Often

It’s generally best to clean your carpets all the time. On the off chance that you don’t clean your carpets all the time you will need to utilise a stronger chemical item. This happens because the soil reaches deep inside the rug and it turns out to be harder to lift. Cleaning your rugs all the time is good for environment, your wellbeing, and increases the life of the carpet.


Read labels on the cleaning products as well as on the carpet precisely. Using the wrong product can harm the rug.

Employ Professionals

If you don’t wish to clean your rugs yourself then hire the professional carpet cleaners Sydney! There are numerous experts that will clean your rugs for an exceptionally sensible charge and issue you an assurance on the work they do. So, what are you waiting for?

Vacuum Often

Every day vacuuming with a decent vacuum cleaner with great suction will help to take out soil hidden inside the fabric the number of times carpet cleaning should be performed will reduce. That happens because the soil, dirt or dust doesn’t get much chance to go deep inside the carpet.


Things You Should Know About Carpet Cleaning

If you have a lot of carpeting in your home you no doubt are aware of the need to keep it clean. Just like hardwood and tile floors carpeting requires maintenance. On a day to day basis that means vacuuming in order to remove surface dirt and debris and perhaps the occasional spot stain treatment using a commercially available stain removal product. But there’s more you should know about cleaning your carpets. Below we’re going to go over 6 things of those things as well as what you should expect from carpet cleaning services.

Carpet Cleaning Facts

Whether you’re about to have your carpets professionally cleaned or already have and now have questions, here are 6 things you should know about the process and its aftermath

Pre-vacuum – The carpet cleaning service should do a thorough pre-vacuuming of your carpets prior to the actual cleaning. This is so that dirt, pet hair, pollen and other contaminants don’t turn into a kind of super-mud that gets ground into the base of the carpet during the cleaning process. If the carpet cleaners don’t start by vacuuming your carpets something is not right and you need to ask them about it.

Not all cleaning systems are created equal – While most carpet cleaning services use some type of manually operated shampooing machine to clean your carpets

Stain removal – Professional carpet cleaning services should be able to remove most stains during the cleaning process

That smell – Many homeowners are taken back in the immediate aftermath of carpet cleaning by an odor that smells like a thousand wet dogs. (Okay, maybe 2 or 3 wet dogs.) They fear that this will be the new normal for their home. Fortunately, their fears are unfounded. That wet dog smell is actually the result of certain gases that are released from the wool in the carpet after the fiber gets wet. Once the carpet dries thoroughly the smell will dissipate. Keep in mind too that if your carpet does not contain wool fibers you should not smell wet dogs in the living room.


Carpet Cleaning & Kids’ Safety: What You Should Know

Your carpet provides comfort underfoot. If you have children, chances are that the carpet is where they sit and play. Young children crawl around on your carpet and the put their hands, and their toys in their mouths. For these reasons, keeping your carpet clean is important. However, not all carpet cleaners are kid or baby-friendly, and may contain harsh ingredients that can be more harmful than the dirt that resides within the fibers. Here are a few things to know about carpet cleaning and how it affects the health and safety of your children.

How Do Carpet Cleaning Chemicals Affect Your Children?

Carpet cleaning products are specifically designed to keep your carpets clean. While they do a good job, many cleaning products contain harsh chemicals that can be especially harmful to children, whose bodies are more sensitive. Chemicals can harm your children in a few different ways, including eye irritation, eye damage, eczema, and respiratory troubles such as allergies and asthma.

Products to Avoid

You want to avoid harsh chemicals when you clean your carpet, but how do you know which products contain these chemicals? A good place to start is by looking at the label. If the product list words and phrases such as “hazardous,” “dangerous,” “highly flammable,” or “irritating” you will know right away that these products are not safe for use around children. Specific chemicals to stay away from include hydrofluoric acid, butane, propane, glycol ethers, quaternary ammonium chloride and sodium hydroxide.

Green Alternatives

There are ways to keep your carpet clean without using any of the above listed chemicals. In fact, many eco-friendly products that can effectively clean your carpet and hardwood can be found right in your pantry. Things like baking soda, white vinegar, club soda, borax and hydrogen peroxide can all be used in the fight against dirt, grime and stains. Spills should be taken care of immediately, soaked or scraped up, not rubbed. A mixture of water with vinegar is one way of removing a stain, which should be blotted. Baking soda or cornstarch can be used for greasy stains, such as those brought in by shoes. Baking soda can even be used to freshen carpet when you vacuum. You can steam clean with only water; there is no need for detergent. If you do use store-bought products, make sure they are labeled eco-friendly or green.

Preventative Cleanliness

You can first take measures to minimize the dirt and debris by taking preventative measures. Leave mats at entranceways into your home so guests can wipe their shoes before they come inside. You may even want to consider a “no shoes in the house” policy. Vacuuming twice a week can also help to keep down the mess. It also ensures that there is nothing dangerous for your child to pick up while controlling dust, dust mites and other irritants that may be residing in the carpet fibers. A vacuum with a HEPA filter is especially helpful.


Professional Carpet Cleaning: What to Know Before You Book

Have you ever wondered why people bother hiring professional carpet cleaning companies when they can just rent a machine and do it themselves? The reality is that there’s a world of difference between what homeowners can accomplish on their own and what the pros can do. Read on to learn about the tools carpet cleaning companies have at their disposal, plus everything you need to know about carpet cleaning cost, time, and maintenance.

What do professional carpet cleaners do?

Professional carpet cleaners have two advantages over homeowners trying to clean their own carpets: more expertise, and far more advanced equipment.

Pros know how to handle specialty situations, such as water damage, tough stains, and fabrics that need sensitive care.

They also have access to tools you won’t be able to rent at your local hardware store. This includes UV lights for spotting pet stains, but most importantly, it includes the expensive equipment necessary for performing hot-water extraction, also known as steam cleaning

What is steam cleaning?

Steam cleaning is a form of hot-water soil extraction that cleans carpets far more thoroughly than consumer-grade surface-cleaning equipment can. Oddly enough, it doesn’t actually involve steam, but rather extremely hot water pumped through a powerful hose system that can flush out dirt at the carpet’s deepest level.

Here’s how it usually works:

Technicians pre-condition the carpet with a special solution that loosens stains and dirt. They may also agitate the carpet with a brush to increase the solution’s effectiveness.

Using a high-pressure hose hooked up to a truck outside, the techs then spray the carpet with extremely hot water, sometimes 200° or higher, rinsing away ground-in dirt and residue.

They immediately vacuum the mixture of water and solution into a holding tank and exhaust the dirty air out of your home, leaving behind nothing but clean, damp carpet that will dry in a matter of hours.


Things Every Homeowner Should Know About Carpet Cleaning

If carpeting is the primary flooring type in your home, it undoubtedly receives a lot of daily foot traffic. Of course, none of us are perfect, and if you have children and pets in your home, things can get a bit complicated. It’s very easy to bring in the dirt, grime, and dust from the outdoors, and children can be messy, so it’s best to prepare for the worst when it comes to carpet stains. Ignoring the state of your carpeting and hoping that with enough vacuuming it goes away, isn’t a smart choice.

The fact is if you don’t take care of your carpeting, you’re well on your way to having to buy new flooring. We all know that carpeting is extremely expensive to purchase all over again, not to mention the costs of having it professionally installed. Wouldn’t it be easier to prevent the unthinkable and prolong the life of your carpeting?

Fortunately, hiring a carpet cleaning company on a regular basis can help keep the flooring throughout your home clean and looking fresh. Professionals use industrial grade equipment to remove stains, clean carpet fibers, and help remove the dirt that has been sitting on your carpeting for months or even years. With that being said, there are a lot of things that the average homeowner doesn’t understand about the carpet cleaning process

It Matters Who Cleans Your Carpet

Cleaning your carpet correctly takes a lot of time, skill as well as effort on the part of the professional carpet cleaner. There are hundreds of different possible stains that your carpeting could be subjected to, and depending on the material of your carpet, there are different stain removal methods.

Your Carpet Warranty Is Void If You Don’t Clean

Almost all carpet manufacturers provide a reasonable warranty on the flooring they sell. Of course, this warranty will come with a catch: you need to take care of the carpeting throughout its life. This is a reasonable point to make, as you really shouldn’t expect a company to replace your flooring due to your neglect.